With the large amount of diet programs out there, it can be confusing on knowing which follow. However, losing weight for some may be as simple as following a 1,500 calorie diet.
What a 1,500 Calorie Day Looks Like
A 1,500 calorie diet can sustain most people. It is important to practice this diet strategically to keep you full and energized. Evenly spacing out caloric intake is one of the best ways to do just that. In an entire day, you would need 175g to 193g of carbohydrates, 31 g to 39g of fat, and 87g to 112g of protein. An example day would look like:
- Breakfast -400 calories (50 to 55g carbohydrate, 9 to 11g fat, 25 to 30g protein)
- Snack - 150 calories (19 to 21g carbohydrate, 3 to 4g fat, 9 to 11g protein)
- Lunch - 400 calories
- Snack - 150 calories
- Dinner- 400 calories
For more snacking opportunities, people could also follow a 1,500 that looks like this:
- Breakfast - 400 calories
- Snack - 100 calories (12.5 to 14g carbohydrates, 2 to 3g fat, 6 to 8g protein)
- Lunch - 400 calories
- Snack - 100 calories
- Dinner - 400 calories
- Snack - 100 calories
A 1,500 calorie day for those that prefer larger meals and no snacks would look like this:
- Breakfast - 500 calories (62 to 69g carbohydrates, 11 to 14g fat, 31 to 38g protein)
- Lunch - 500 calories
- Dinner - 500 calories
The Do's and Don'ts of Following a 1,500 Calorie Diet
Done correctly, a 1,500 calorie diet can be sustainable and can help manage weight loss or gain. In contrast, a 1,500 calorie diet can be miserable if not done correctly.
- Do consume meals full of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts, seeds, etc.
- Do ensure you are getting fiber in every meal to help keep you full. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are good sources of fiber.
- Do incorporate protein into each meal and snack to maintain energy and fullness. Protein is found in meats, nuts, seeds, cheese, Greek yogurt, and protein shakes.
- Do drink lots of water throughout the day.
- Do log your intake on a tracker such as MyFitnessPal as they can help keep you honest and on track.
- Don't snack on refined carbohydrates such as chips, crackers, desserts, etc. These won't fill you up and will have you craving more.
- Don't consume only processed, fast foods as your meals. These foods are full of refined carbohydrates and lack the fiber needed to keep you full.
- Don't be discouraged if you overeat one day. No one is perfect.
- Don't consume soda or juices. These are high calorie beverages that will not fill you.
Who Should Try a 1,500 Calorie Diet
A 1,500 calorie diet is applicable to many different populations. This eating pattern is a safe and effective way to lose weight for overweight individuals. Additionally, a 1,500 calorie diet can help those who are underweight or are undereating gain weight. A regimented diet like this can work for those who have binge eating tendencies and need structure and accountability in their eating habits.
1,500 Calorie Diet
The 1,500 calorie diet is an eating pattern that should involve evenly spaced meals and snacks full of protein, fiber, and healthy foods. This diet can help many individuals lose weight. It can also help some gain weight and feel more stable in their eating patterns. Consuming 1,500 calories in a day is safe and effective for many people.