Dr. Ann Kulze, the author of Dr. Ann's 10-Step Diet: A Simple Plan for Permanent Weight Loss and Lifelong Vitality, has created a diet plan based on sound nutrition and common sense. Not only will Dr. Ann's plan help you to lose weight, but it will also help you to avoid or improve various health problems. More than just another diet, this plan teaches you to make changes in your life for the improvement of your over-all health.
Dr. Ann's Background
Dr. Ann Kulze grew up in a family rich in science and medical and scientific background. With a fascination for nutrition since her teens, Dr. Ann graduated with honors from Clemson University with a degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition. Later she received her medical degree from the medical University of South Carolina where she graduated Valedictorian.
Since then, Dr. Ann has had a thriving practice as a family physician and wellness consultant. With her unique background and education, Dr. Ann considers herself to be a "real world" nutrition and science expert.
How the 10-Step Diet was Developed
"There has been an explosion in the 'new science' as it relates to nutrition and health, nutrition and weight since the early 1990's. I became almost obsessed with reading it, as I am a scientist first and foremost.
I recognized that the strategies that one needs to employ to decrease the risk of chronic disease and accelerated aging are the exact same ones necessary to have lifelong success with body weight. This is a true scientific revelation, and as a wellness expert who recognizes the critical importance of weight control, I simply wanted to tell the world about it. Additionally, I was having tremendous success in my private practice. People were losing weight with ease and feeling better than ever!"
Thus was born the 10-Step Diet. Not specifically intended as a weight loss plan, it was actually developed to provide her patients with a "whole person wellness package" that was personalized to each individual's needs. Consistently, the results were not only better health but weight loss as well. Dr. Ann's patients couldn't be happier.
What Makes it Different?
When asked what made her diet unique from the popular diet plans of today, Dr. Ann noted several features:
- Simplicity-no counting of points, calories, carbs or fat grams and no measuring of food.
- Focus on health, vitality and disease prevention-"My primary commitment as a physician is to wellness promotion in general and I have leveraged every strategy with the promise of more powerful disease protection in addition to weight loss."
- Explains scientifically why you do what you do-not in "doctor speak" but in clear, understandable language. People are more likely to follow a plan if they understand why they are making changes.
- Flexibility-there are no restrictive phases or strict meal plans. You do from day one what you will do for the rest of your life.
The 10-Step Plan
"This plan was designed to be flexible." Says Dr. Ann. "Your health and body weight will be best if you can incorporate all steps simultaneously. There is tremendous merit however, in implementing even one or two steps. Each one can stand alone as a powerful strategy for health and disease prevention."
Minimize White Carbs
Minimize as much as possible white flour, rice, potatoes and sugar along with products containing them. These foods have a high glycemic index. This means they are quickly digested and released into the bloodstream, causing your blood sugar to surge. This surge can result in:
- Fat storage
- More of an appetite
- Increase in cardiovascular risk
- Development of type II diabetes
- Cancers like breast, colon or prostate
- Problems with brain function
Eat the Right Carbs
- Beans--Aim for one half cup serving or more of beans each day. This is a great source of protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron, potassium, magnesium and phytochemicals. Because of the protein and fiber content of beans, they will fill you up while promoting healthy blood sugar levels.
- Grains-Eat true whole grains such as 100 percent whole wheat, whole oats, brown rice, rye, barley, or quinoa.
Eliminate Liquid Calories
Stop consuming high calorie drinks, which are more fattening than solid foods. This includes sodas, fruit juice, fruit drinks and sport drinks. These types of drinks create an almost instant surge in blood sugar. Even diet soda has been associated with weight gain in some people.Instead, focus on drinking water as much as possible. Additionally, you can enjoy 100 percent vegetable or tomato juice, one percent or skim milk, soy milk, tea or coffee in moderation and one drink or less per day of alcohol. This can be red wine, which is the best, low carb beer or spirits.
Portion Control
According to Dr. Ann, Americans consume 140 to 200 more calories per day than they did 20 years ago. She recommends not eating more than the equivalent of your hands cupped together at any one sitting. The exception to this would be vegetables which can be consumed in unlimited amounts.
Vegetables and Fruits
Vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber. They are "nutritional megastars" that act as natural appetite suppressants while providing countless vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.
Dr. Ann recommends five or more servings a day with a serving being equal to one half cup, or one cup if it is a leafy green vegetable. Her "superstar veggies" include:
- Cabbage
- Kale
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Brussels sprouts
- Collards
- Carrots
- Garlic
- Onions
- Leeks
- Tomatoes
- Asparagus
- Spinach
- Dark lettuce
- Red or orange bell peppers
Also try for two servings of fruit each day including:
- Berries
- Cherries
- Plums
- Citrus
- Cantaloupe
- Grapes
- Peaches
- Apples
- Pears
- Apricots
Sweeter fruits should be avoided because they are higher on the glycemic index. Fruit and vegetables can protect from stroke and heart attack, lower blood pressure, protect from diverticulitis, prevent cataracts and macular degeneration aid in weight management and protect from many cancers.
Healthy Protein
"Healthy protein packages" recommended by Dr. Ann include:
- Fish (oily varieties)
- Shellfish
- Skinless poultry
- Nuts and seeds
- Soy
- Wild game
- Lean dairy
- Beans and legumes
- Omega 3 eggs
Other forms of protein should be limited to two serving a week or less. Benefits of these proteins include a steady, prolonged blood glucose level with minimal insulin response as well as a longer feeling full. Especially important is protein at breakfast.
Dr. Ann recommends "good fats" that are monounsaturated as well as omega 3 fats. Not only does food taste better with these added fats, but your appetite will be satisfied without an insulin response. "Regularly consuming good fats provides you with the single most important dietary strategy to protect your health." says Dr. Ann.
Sources of these fats include olive oil, expeller pressed canola oil, nuts and seeds and avocados. Have at least one serving a day of omega 3 fats including salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, walnuts, flaxseed and others.
Trans fats should be strictly avoided because they increase LDL, HDL, triglycerides and blood clotting. They also increase insulin resistance which predisposes to weight gain. Saturated fats should be limited because they also elevate cholesterol, increase your chance of heart disease and increase insulin resistance.
This is absolutely essential because it burns calories, decreases insulin resistance and increases lean body mass. Chances of keeping weight of are less than 10 percent if you do not exercise regularly.
Include one to one and a half ounces of nuts in your daily diet. Not only do they aid in weight loss but they are great for your heart as well. Studies have shown that an ounce of nuts, five times a week can reduce cardiovascular risk by 30 to 50 percent.
Don't go Hungry
"It takes less calories to prevent hunger than it does to deal with it once it occurs." Dr. Ann says to always consume three meals a day and snacks if necessary to keep hunger at bay. Going without food for several hours can lead to hypoglycemia, slows your metabolism and causes your pancreas to release more insulin when you finally do eat.
Other Factors
This diet plan is safe for anyone to follow. Take into consideration your special needs; for example, if you are allergic to nuts or gluten sensitive. The first things you will notice upon following this plan are a boost in energy, easier appetite control and reduction in cravings for sweets.
Included in her book, Dr. Ann has a chapter on eating out to make it easy to follow her plan no matter your lifestyle. There is also a section on supplements as well as sample meal plans and recipes to get you started. "Focusing on the right carbs, the right fats, and the right proteins is the key to weight loss results that last in addition to maximizing wellness and vitality." That sounds like great advice!
Free Download
Dr. Ann offers an abbreviated version of her book as a free download at Dr Ann Wellness. You can also purchase her book, Dr. Ann's 10-Step Diet, from Dr. Ann's web site, your favorite bookstore or at Amazon. LoveToKnow would like to thank Dr. Ann Kulze for taking the time for this enlightening interview.