Far more than 5 gluten-free superfoods are available for celiac sufferers today. However, many celiacs are unaware of the existence and benefits of even the most basic superfoods, which can work alongside a gluten-free diet to nourish and facilitate the body's healing processes.
Gluten and Superfoods
Although most dietary experts now agree that gluten-containing foods are not essential to a balanced diet, some celiacs may require more than gluten-free meal plan to heal the damage incurred by this disease. Superfoods are a unique category of food substances that are absolute packed with nutrition and enzymatic activity. Some of these foods feature unique phytochemicals and properties that may facilitate the body's natural healing mechanisms, which is very important for recovering celiacs. These substances may also provide a low caloric intake to high nutrient ratio which means that you do not have to consume a tremendous amount of a particular superfood in order to flood your system with nutrition.
5 Gluten-Free Superfoods
There are many nutrient rich foods that do not contain gluten. A celiac who has gone undiagnosed for a prolonged period of time will likely have a vast amount of healing to do, which is where the addition of the following superfoods can come into play.
1. Kefir
Kefir is a fermented drink that contains strains of probiotic bacteria, varieties of which are not typically found in yogurt. Many people associate kefir with a dairy base as, in most supermarkets, kefir is found alongside the yogurt and fermented dairy products. However, kefir is defined more by its starter culture than its base. Many liquids can be cultured with kefir starter grains from cow's milk to goat's milk to even coconut water.
Since celiac patients have usually endured detrimental blows to their digestive tract, the probiotic cultures in kefir can be of great help to recovering celiacs. Moreover, kefir possesses a high content of antioxidants and B-vitamins which can also help heal a stressed and ailing system. The exact nutritional content of kefir depends on the medium used, so there will be a disparity between the nutrient banks of cow's milk and soy milk kefir.
2. Moringa

The leaves of the moringa tree are only recently making waves within the health supplement community. Moringa is definitively a superfood. These leaves are typically dried and ground up into a powder that is extremely rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and likely a horde of other undiscovered benefits. In fact, moringa is currently being used to combat global poverty as its nutritional content makes it very close to a perfect food. Numerous scientific studies have journaled the nutritional components and even antibiotic activity of moringa leaves. Hence, moringa can be of serious benefit to celiac patients who endeavor to support their bodies nutritionally during convalescence.
3. Royal Jelly
Even a quarter teaspoon of royal jelly taken daily can help ward off disease and help the body maintain a healthy homeostasis. Royal jelly is a rare and complex food formed as a secretion of worker bees and used to feed queen bees and their larvae. Nutritionally, royal jelly is absolutely packed with essential vitamins, fatty acids, hormones, proteins and it is particularly rich in the B-vitamin and pantothenic acid. Royal jelly can be especially beneficial for celiacs who experience chronic fatigue and adrenal impairment issues.
4. Coconut
Despite the medical communities' backlash against saturated fats, coconuts have been steadily gaining steam over the last decade. True, they do contain saturated fat, but this fat is not of the same quality as cooked saturated animal fat. Coconuts also provide essential medium chain fatty acids that protect and heal the body, and this is only one of the hefty health benefits the coconut offers. Coconut is a very nourishing food. Its milk contains a powerful source of electrolytes and is currently being marketed as an energy drink. Its meat is a densely packed source of fats and oils that have been scientifically studied for their anti-inflammatory and anti-pathogenic properties. Moreover, coconut meal can be ground into a flour that is excellent for gluten-free baking and cooking. Coconuts should be seen as a strong means of disease prevention for all individuals, not just celiacs.
5. Flaxseed
Flaxseed oil is one of the more popular supplements on the market today, particularly for its high omega-3 fatty acid content. The oil has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory and mild estrogenic properties that may benefit individuals with chronic inflammatory and skin disorders, not to mention cardiovascular issues. Still, the actual seed itself is a rich source of lignans which may be vital for soothing the intestinal tracts. The fiber found in flax seeds can be of extreme help to celiacs looking to repair damage to their small intestine. Lignans are not only anti-carcenogenic but also very soothing for the digestive tract. Ground flaxseed is a nutritious and healing food that can play an important role in the average celiac's diet.
Just because these 5 gluten-free superfoods have wowed the medical community with their potential doesn't mean all celiacs will react the same way these substances. Each celiac possesses a unique physiology and a certain level of cellular damage that may render one individual more reactive to an otherwise helpful food than another. Hence, if you react poorly to a certain superfood touted as a "miracle substance," it is best to discontinue consumption of this food and seek another more amiable source of nutrition.