Bee pollen side effects do exist even though this particular supplement is completely natural; products labeled natural aren't necessarily side-effect free. Bee pollen is a popular supplement that has been taken for ages. Many have benefited from the consumption of bee pollen as it relieves stomach problems. Bee pollen is also used as an effective anti-aging agent. Furthermore, many athletes, and non-athletes alike use bee pollen to increase their energy levels and enhance performance. Luckily, bee pollen side effects are mostly mild and can largely be avoided altogether if you adhere to the dosage guidelines.
Bee Pollen Side Effects
The most common side effects of bee pollen are very mild and include nausea and upset stomach. In some cases, these mild side effects will disappear if you continue to take the supplement on a regular basis. However, if you continue to experience these mild side effects on an on-going basis, experts recommend stopping taking bee pollen as supplement.
The main concern when it comes to the side effects of bee pollen is that you could have an allergic reaction. Just as some people are allergic to bee stings, some will be allergic to bee pollen.
Most allergic reactions to bee pollen will be mild to moderate. Any of the following symptoms could occur immediately after taking bee pollen and indicate that you're having an allergic reaction:
- Itchy throat
- Wheezing
- Coughing
- Hives
- Skin flushing
If you experience any of these symptoms, cease taking all bee pollen products immediately and see your doctor if any of the symptoms worsen. Seek immediate medical attention if breathing becomes difficult.
The most dangerous concern with bee pollen supplements is very rare. Some people have a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylactic shock. The same reaction can occur with a bee sting. Anaphylactic shock is a true medical emergency and 911 should be called immediately.
Some of the repercussions from this type of allergic reaction can include:
- Convulsions
- Breathing problems
- Unconsciousness
- Death
Taking Bee Pollen Safely
First and foremost, if you know that you are allergic to bee stings, do not take bee pollen. You do not want to risk having a severe allergic reaction under any circumstances. Secondly, try taking just a little bee pollen at first to see if you have any of the telltale symptoms of an allergic reaction. If no such symptoms are present, you are likely not allergic to bee pollen.Thirdly, follow the bee pollen dosage guidelines. While scientists affirm that the optimal dosage is unknown, manufacturers stipulate safe dosage recommendations on their packaging. If you are not allergic to bee pollen and take no more than the manufacturer recommends you should not experience any bee pollen side effects.
Lastly, buy high quality bee pollen. Some bee pollen has actually been found to be contaminated with harmful foreign chemicals. Ingesting these chemicals have several, unknown health risks. To avoid this, buy bee pollen only from a GMP-compliant manufacturing facility that has certificate of analysis (COA).
Pregnancy and Lactation
The effects of bee pollen on pregnant and lactating women have not been studied. Although bee pollen may very well be beneficial to these groups, since the effects remain unknown, it is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women to take bee pollen.
Bee pollen is beneficial to many people and has been so throughout the ages. Most side effects are very mild - the danger occurs when someone experiences an allergic reaction to bee pollen. Even still, most allergic reactions are nothing to worry about. It is however important to not take bee pollen if you're allergic to bee stings at all.