Buying bulk chia oil is a terrific step toward maintaining good health while keeping an eye on your wallet. You can purchase this oil marketed as chia oil or as salba seed oil.
Chia Oil and Your Health
Chia oil is processed from chia seeds. These are the same seeds used to create the ever-popular Chia Pet that is sold and enjoyed internationally. The same seeds that have delighted families as pets for decades contain a large dose of omega-3 fatty acids. The acids are essential to good heart health, better immunities, nerve well-being, and are great antioxidants. Many studies have also found chia to be a great dietary aid, due to the high fiber content.
Why Buy Bulk Chia Oil
Purchasing bulk cha oil is usually done in the form of chia oil gel capsules. The capsules serve as a great alternative to fish oil capsules, which can lead to bad breath and burping. Since a typical daily dose of chia is a softgel consumed twice a day, it becomes highly desirable to buy them in large quantities because you are apt to receive a huge discount in cost.

If you purchase bulk chia oil online, you will benefit additionally from the reduced shipping cost. Order in bulk for three to six months and you pay only one shipping and handling fee. Order once a month and you will spend anywhere from $3.95 to $8.00 each time.
Where to Buy in Bulk
Finding a retailer of bulk chia oil may be a little tricky. You will find more stores carry chia seeds than chia seed oil, but don't despair. Here are a few companies to start you off on your purchase of high quality chia oil supplements at discounted bulk prices:
Life Enthusiast Co-op - Life Enthusiast sells the Salba brand white chia seed oil gelcaps. Each bottle contains 60 capsules, and they can be bought at a discount for bulk purchases of three, six, and twelve bottles.
Chia Oil Alternative
If you have a hard time finding chia oil, you may decide to purchase the more commonly carried chia seeds or powder. The powder is water-soluble and is often added to a glass of juice. The seeds can be used in cooking, sprinkled on top of your salad, or eaten straight from the bag. Best of all, consuming chia in either the powdered or seed form is a great source of fiber.
Consume Safely
As with all herbal supplements, it is important to remember that chia may have an adverse reaction when combined with certain medications or taken in dosages larger than recommended by the manufacturer. Be cognizant of adverse reactions and consult with a physician when appropriate.