Many beard growth vitamins are simply multivitamin supplements, containing a variety of vitamins and minerals needed to maintain healthy locks -- whether it be on your head or face. Some brands contain herbs in addition to vitamins, and some herbal blends have been shown to boost hair growth.
Do Vitamins Boost Hair Growth?
The answer to whether beard growth vitamins work is they can if you're deficient in certain nutrients. Poor hair growth and even hair loss can happen when you lack certain vitamins and minerals in your diet. Such nutrients include B vitamins, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and iron -- all of which (especially B vitamins) are common ingredients in beard growth vitamins. However, if you're not deficient in these vitamins, you may not notice a boost in growth.
Herbs That May Promote Growth
However, some vitamin supplements also contain herbs, which could help beard growth. For example, one 2017 study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that an herbal extract blend containing Emblica officinalis, Thea sinensis L. (green tea), Pueraria thunbergiana, Pinus densiflora (Japanese red pine), Zingiber officinale (ginger), and Tribulus terrestris appear to promote hair growth. However, the mechanism by which this herbal blend works isn't known.
Topical solutions may help, as well. The University of Maryland Medical Center say ginko biloba and topical applications (herbal oils applied directly to the skin) may help stimulate new hair growth and suggests mixing three to four drops each of rosemary, peppermint, and sage oils with 1 tablespoon olive or coconut oil. You'll then massage the oil onto you skin where hair isn't growing well in (1 to 2 times daily). A 2014 study published in Toxicological Research confirms peppermint oil promotes hair growth (when used topically). However, always check in with your doctor before taking any type of herb, whether it be topical or one you ingest.
Other Beard-Growing Options
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approve Rogaine (with active ingredient minoxidil) has potential for a boost in hair growth as well. Minoxidil has enhanced hair growth in study subjects in numerous studies. Some people who use it experience an increase in beard growth. However, not all men who use minoxidil end up with acceptable results, according to a 2015 study published in Skinmed.
Taking Beard Growth Vitamins
Chances are, taking beard growth vitamins is simply an expensive way to get in your daily dose of essential vitamins and minerals and possibly some herbal extracts that may enhance beard growth. Taking extra vitamins if you're deficient can help strengthen and boost beard growth, but likely won't affect you much if you're already eating a well-balanced diet. Some people simply have genetic dispositions to grow thin or scraggly beards.
Best Bet for Beard Growth
Topical oils (peppermint, sage, and rosemary) that promote hair growth or minoxidil may be your best bet along with taking a daily multivitamin supplement. Always check in with your doctor before taking any type of supplement containing herbal blends or high-dose vitamins, as such supplements can interact with medications.