The newest way to lose weight and get healthier is through the facial analysis diet. This diet is quickly becoming a favorite among celebrities. Elizabeth Gibaud, a celebrity nutritionist, who says that the characteristics of your face are your keys to getting healthy, created the diet.
Facial Analysis Diet
How it Works
The diet is based off German theories that the face is a very sensitive part of the body that is affected by internal fluctuations and imbalances. Essentially, the face is the indicator as to what's going wrong inside your body. Gibaud firmly believes that almost all abnormal conditions from within manifest outwardly through the face.
In the facial analysis diet, you must study the lines, tone, and texture of your face in order to determine all your dietary and mineral needs, deficiencies and intolerances. By carefully examining your face and looking at the diagrams in Gibaud's book, The Facial Analysis Diet, you're supposed to be able to pinpoint the exact cause of your mal health. Gibaud's book also promises that dietary modifications can remedy almost all ailments and gives individualized meal plans for face type or for specific problems.
Face Types

In her book Gibaud writes in depth about hundreds of face types and specific characteristics and their implications. However, she also identifies six face archetypes that she says most people fall under. Some types are said to be significantly affected or ruled by a particular internal organ. Each type also displays certain symptoms or characteristics and comes with a list of foods to avoid and to eat frequently. They are as follows:
Type A
Ruled by the thyroid gland
You most likely have a type A face if you experience the following:
- Dry skin
- Shiny nose
- Dull, fluffy hair
- Bulging eyes
- Cold hands and feet
Your foods to avoid include; yeast products, chocolate, red wine, white flour and mango. However, you should eat; apples, asparagus, oats, potatoes and cucumber.
Type B
Ruled by the liver
You most likely have a type B face if you experience the following:
- Yellow hue to skin, especially around the mouth
- Blue-ish or reddish nose
- Thick, furry tongue
- Red ears
Your foods to avoid are alcohol, coffee, bananas, curry and oranges. You should try and eat apricots, garlic, potatoes, limes and cherries.
Type C
You most likely have a type C face if you experience the following:
- Water retention
- Bloated face
- Puffiness beneath the eyes
- Vertical line or groove under tip of nose
Your foods to avoid are canned fruit, cheese, peanuts, red meat and soy sauce. However, you should try and eat lots of broccoli, fresh fish, onions, pineapples and spinach.
Type D
You most likely have a type D face if you experience the following:
- Inflammation
- Greasy forehead, nose and chin
- Large, open pores or very tight pores
- Sagging cheeks
- Horizontal lines across the forehead
Your foods to avoid are alcohol, mayonnaise, pastry, shellfish and rice. However, you should aim to eat plenty of asparagus, turnips, berries, carrots and millet.
Type E
You most likely have a type E face if you experience the following:
- Abnormal amount of skin complaints
Your foods to avoid are beer, eggs, raisins, strawberries and watermelon. However, you should try and eat butter, cabbage, parsley, apples and oats.
Type F
This type is ruled by the prostate, and only men may be this face type
You most likely have a type F face if you experience the following:
- Red forehead and top of ear
- Dark rings under the eyes
- Horizontal crease above the top lip
- Furred tongue
You should avoid aubergine, blue cheese, red wine, vinegar and sweet potato. Yet, you should aim to eat courgette, lentils, peach, watercress and grapefruit.
Face Diet Top Tips
Now that you know what face type you are and what to eat and not to eat, you should also try and follow these main tips of the diet:
- Always choose brown pasta over white pasta
- If you're prone to bloating, stick to the staples like oats and potatoes
- Choose unsalted butter over margarine
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day!
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol as much as possible
The face diet has not been thoroughly and scientifically tested, however a lot of celebrities report outstanding results. Since it only involves slight dietary modification, it's safe to try if you think it may be for you.