Learn the right foods to eat on a Daniel fast to ensure the success of this unique diet. Regardless of your reasons for choosing this fast, you'll need to follow it closely to achieve the results you are looking for.
The Story Behind the Fast
According to an ABC News report, the premise of the Daniel fast comes straight from the Bible (Daniel 1:12 and Daniel 10:2-3). Daniel rejected the foods that the King of Babylon set before him, and the principal court official got worried that this young man and others like him would become weak. The King would not be happy with this because these young men, along with several other Israelite captives, had been hand selected as the best of them all. He wanted them trained to serve in the palace.
Daniel requested that the court official give him and his companions a diet of "vegetables and water" for ten days as a test. At the end of the ten days, they were in better health than the other captives who had been eating the rich food of the King. They went on to have very prominent positions in the King's service.
What to Eat
Basically, the Daniel diet is a partial fast based on a vegan diet. Research reveals that in the story, Daniel ate more than just "vegetables and water." His diet was a healthy one based on whole foods and water. According to Dr. Josh Axe, if you decide to follow this diet, choose foods from amongst this list:
All the following vegetables are appropriate for the Daniel diet.
Artichokes | Asparagus | Beets | ![]() |
Broccoli | Brussels sprouts | Cabbage | |
Carrots | Cauliflower | Celery | |
Corn | Cucumbers | Eggplant | |
Garlic | Greens | Kale | |
Leeks | Lettuce | Mushrooms | |
Okra | Onions | Parsley | |
Potatoes | Peppers | Radish | |
Rutabaga | Scallions | Spinach | |
Sprouts | Squash | Sweet Potatoes | |
Tomatoes | Turnips | Zucchini |
All the following fruits are allowed on the Daniel diet.
Apples | Apricots | Bananas | ![]() |
Blackberries | Blueberries | Boysenberries | |
Cantaloupe | Cherries | Cranberries | |
Figs | Grapefruit | Grapes | |
Guava | Honeydew | Kiwi | |
Lemon | Lime | Mango | |
Nectarine | Oranges | Papaya | |
Peach | Pears | Pineapple | |
Plum | Raisin | Raspberries | |
Strawberries | Tangelos | Tangerines | |
Watermelon |
Other Foods
Drink distilled or spring water. You may want to take a vitamin and mineral supplement to ensure you don't miss out on any necessary nutrients. As for other foods:
- Along with fruits and vegetables, include all nuts, seeds, brown rice, oats, and barley.
- It's alright to consume healthy fats from high-quality oils such as grape seed, sesame, peanut, canola and olive oils in moderation.
- Eat plenty of legumes, such as dried beans, peas and lentils as part of this diet as well.
If you follow the Daniel fast by the letter, based on the Bible, you can only drink water during the fast. Some people relax that rule, however, and also drink beverages made of plant-based ingredients such as:
- Almond milk (homemade)
- Fresh-pressed vegetable juice
- Fresh-pressed fruit juices
- Coconut milk
- Herbal tea
Due to their caffeine content, black tea, green tea, and coffee are not allowed on a Daniel fast. If you don't like the taste of plain water, try adding fresh fruit slices or cucumber slices for flavor.
Foods to Avoid
Avoid the following foods if you attempt this fast:
- Meat
- White rice
- White flour
- Fried foods
- Caffeine
- Alcohol
- Carbonated drinks
- Refined sugar or sugar substitutes
- Margarine
- Shortening
- Fats other than those mentioned in "Other Foods"
- Foods with preservatives or additives
Ideally, a healthy diet will exclude many of these things anyhow. Some people may experience headaches due to withdrawals from caffeine and other products that their body is used to having. However, after these things are out of your system, you may feel better when your body enjoys natural, healthy foods free from chemicals and preservatives.
Follow the Fast Exactly
As with any diet plan or fast, it's important to follow the plan exactly to achieve the best results. Eat a wide variety of the foods offered in the plan for the most balanced diet. Proponents of this fast maintain that you'll feel more energy within a few days.