Childhood obesity and inactivity remains a big problem, but the folks behind a new website called KewlBites hope to make a difference. Founded by actor Reed Alexander, KewlBites contains interactive dieting tips, healthy living information, recipes and more. It's geared for kids but adults can learn a lot form it, too.
Reed Alexander is known for his role as "Nevel Paperman" on Nicklodeon's popular show "iCarly". Reed recently lost weight (15 lbs) on a diet plan that he created for himself and he was so inspired by his own success that he wanted to reach out to other tweens/teens via the Internet to share his knowledge for achieving a healthy lifestyle. Reed will be launching a website called Kewllbites.com, which is a fun interactive website that provides kids with "bites" of information to help them make smart, healthy, lifestyle, choices.
Reed Alexander is NOT a recognized nutritionist. His goal is to share this weight loss vision with other tween/teens who struggle with weight and body image. Reed's acting credits include Ace Ventura Jr: Pet Detective, Cartoon Network "Out of Jimmy's Head" and the movie Magnus, Inc.
Reed "narrates" the site while kids and teens click on various pictures, words and icons for more information. It's a lot of fun and a learning adventure!
Reed took time out of his busy acting schedule to share with us some of the ideas behind KewlBites.
KewlBites for Kids
What Is KewlBites?
KewlBites is a fun, interactive, healthy lifestyle website for kids which includes bites of information on various topics including healthy food choices and fitness.
How Did KewlBites Develop?
KewlBites started when I decided to restructure my lifestyle in March 2009. I was sluggish, wasn't feeling well, had little energy, and wanted to improve my confidence with how I looked and felt. After a relative of mine passed away from heart disease, the very real fact that diabetes and heart disease were powerful forces in my family struck me. I realized that food and exercise were two key areas in which I needed to make different choices. The biggest challenge for me came in the beginning--I couldn't find anything designed for a kid, or from the viewpoint of a kid. I also was intent on making a lasting, attainable lifestyle change, and, therefore, didn't want to join a temporary program targeted at adults. I decided to improvise. By calling upon excellent sources--books, websites, and my own internal tips and ideas that I discovered along the way--I managed to lose 15 pounds. I accredit it to the "blogging" I did to myself everyday, in the form of stacks of notes. I'm a food-aficionado and love cooking and the Food Network! Thus, it was important that I be able to practically eat out at restaurants, enjoy everyday food-related situations, and cook delicious, healthy, easy foods. I've created fun recipes that I share on KewlBites, and I'm always adding new recipes, content, tips, and information.
What's Special About the Site
The home page is really fun! It's a kewl interactive kitchen filled with food, music, a flat screen TV, a laptop, and more. The site contains kewl information and recipes and I'll be launching the Kewl Food Tube of great videos and Kewl News section of the site, which will feature so much more. I've filled the pages with content that's come all from me--ideas for getting through the school day, great snacks, how to make exercise fun, and more.
Why the Focus on Healthy Foods for Kids?
When I was trying to figure out how to make smarter choices about my health, I was unable to find anything from a kid's point of view. I think it's essential for all aspects of our wellbeing to make healthy choices when it comes to what we eat. I believe that if you develop healthy habits early on in life, they become a part of you. Being healthy and eating right is so important.
How Is this Website Different from Other Information?
This site is authentic because it is based on my personal story and information that has worked for me. I'm not a doctor, certified medical or fitness expert or trainer, or nutritionist. Everything I talk about on the site comes from a genuine place, and it's all information that's helped me to change my lifestyle.
What Can Grownups Learn from the Site?
The tips and information provided on the site are for everyone to explore and share. It is a great way to start a family dialogue about health.
Are the Recipes Yours?
Yes! I like to cook. The recipes on the website are all ones that I've created. They are healthy, delicious, and so easy to make. They're great for the whole family!
What Else do You Want to Share?
I really hope that KewlBites is a comfortable outlet for kids where we can talk about how much fun living a healthy lifestyle can be, and share our ideas when it comes to food, exercise, and more. KewlBites is growing and changing all the time. Very soon I'll be adding a Kewl News section where we'll add information from various people including celebrities who are sharing their healthy tips. I'm adding many new videos to the Kewl Food Tube. We'll also be having kewl contests! Please follow @KewlBites on Twitter.
For more information, please visit the website.