Ways to Lose 15 Pounds Fast

Whole foods are part of a healthy weight loss plan.

Sometimes, losing just 15 pounds can make a huge difference in your overall health and self-image, but with so many fad diets out there, it is easy to get lured into a quick weight loss method that is not only unsafe but also ineffective. Fortunately, there are several popular diets that address nutrition from a holistic standpoint, making them an excellent choice if you're looking for a relatively fast way to lose 15 pounds and maintain that loss long-term.

Eating Well Diet

Dieters who follow the Eating Well Diet may be able to lose 15 pounds in about 7 weeks. The Eating Well Diet is a comprehensive 12-week program that combines university-tested weight loss strategies and delicious recipes for fun and healthy food. The diet is based on the Unviersity of Vermont's VTrim Diet. The foods used in this diet are nutrient-dense and tasty. There is nothing unique to buy, no shakes to drink, and no pills to take. The diet is directed towards safe and healthy weight loss and the development of healthy habits.


  • The program includes tips, resource and online tools.
  • This diet uses real and wholesome food.
  • The extensive recipie section is great for people who like to cook.


  • Dieters must keep a comprehensive diary that tracks calories, food intake and exercise. Although this information is useful, it may be difficult for some people to keep track of everything consistently.
  • Dieters must make a commitment to stick to this diet long term, which may be hard for some people.

The Mediterranean Diet

Those who follow the Mediterranean Diet and exercise daily should expect to lose 15 pounds in just over 7 weeks. The Mediterranean Diet, well respected amongst nutrition professionals and physicians, has stood the test of time. Studies have clearly indicated that people living in the Mediterranean area experience excellent health, remarkably little illness and long life. The diet is low in saturated fat, but not free of all fat. In fact dieters enjoy a wide range of healthy fats from fish, vegetable oils and nuts. Meals are full of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Moderate exercise, healthy stress management and the consumption of small amounts of wine are all included in this diet. Foods enjoyed on the Mediterranean Diet are nutrient-rich, tasty, and filling.


  • Many people enjoy this diet because it allows for some alcohol consumption, while many other diets do not allow any alcohol.
  • The Mayo Clinic recommends the Mediterranean Diet for promoting heart health.


  • Diet may not be well suited to people who are allergic to shellfish.
  • Food preparation may take some time, since packaged foods are not part of this plan.
  • You must consciously choose to eat fewer calories than you burn in order to lose weight quickly on this program.

South Beach Diet

Although everyone's metabolism is different, many South Beach dieters have lost 15 pounds fast, even within two weeks of starting this plan. For others, it may take longer. Cardiologist Arthur Agastston MD created the South Beach Diet as a plan for fast and healthy weight loss. The three-phase diet restricts the consumption of " bad carbohydrates" such and potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, fruit, carrots and corn for the first two weeks of the plan. Although these foods may be eaten with caution after this period, they are discouraged.


  • Healthy fats are permitted.
  • Snacking is permitted.
  • There are no calories or portion sizes to manage.


  • Severe restriction of carbohydrates can lead to ketosis.
  • Certain foods, especially many carbs, are not allowed on this plan. If you're a carb lover, this may not be the diet for you.

The 17 Day Diet

The 17 Day Diet, created by family physician Dr. Mike Moreno, states that it is possible for dieters to lose anywhere from 10-12 pounds in the first 17 days of this plan. This diet is perfect for anyone who needs to lose 15 pounds fast, or for those who want to prevent weight gain. The diet involves carbohydrate cycling over 17 daily cycles mixed with exercise as a way to keep metabolism in high gear.


  • Rapid weight loss is possible.
  • Cycles keep dieters from getting bored.
  • This diet includes whole and natural foods.
  • Dieters are given meal plans to follow as well as recipes.
  • Home delivery meal option is available.


  • This program may be too restrictive in calories for people who exercise a lot.
  • Due to the type of foods consumed, this plan is not suitable for diabetics.

Tips for Fast Weight Loss

For some people, it is easy to lose 15 pounds fast by changing a few lifestyle habits:

  • Eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits daily.
  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Dink at least eight glasses of water daily.
  • Limit your consumption of refined and sugary foods.
  • Work with a doctor or nutritionist to find a plan that is perfect for your needs.

Fad Diet Cautions

Be particularly careful of any diet that promises rapid and easy weight loss. Also steer clear of any diet that requires you to take a pill or to eat remarkably few calories. While they may seem like a good way to lose 15 pounds, these diets can result in nutrient deficiencies and other health problems.

3-Day Diet

The 3-Day Diet uses a very specific meal plan that is extremely low in calories for three days in order to achieve rapid weight loss. As promising as this diet seems, WebMd states that experts worry that the weight loss is more water than anything else. There is also the concern that this fad diet promotes a problem with yo-yo dieting.

Grapefruit Diet

Although the Grapefruit Diet is considered a fad diet, it has been around since the 1930s. This diet promises the quick shedding of ten pounds in just 12 days. As with the 3-Day Diet, much of the weight loss is in the form of fluids. Dieters consume a very low 800- 1000 calories and a substantial amount of grapefruit. However, experts like Connie Diekman MEd, RD, of the American Diabetic Association, states that there is no real evidence that eating grapefruit will promote fat burning.

Cabbage Soup Diet

On the cabbage soup diet, dieters can consume all of the cabbage soup they desire in addition to a few other foods. You follow the plan for seven days and can repeat it again after a period of normal eating. According to the Mayo Clinic, dieters may lose weight rapidly, but they may also gain it back rapidly when not following the plan. This may promote feelings of failure, which are not healthy.

Stay Safe

No matter which diet you choose to follow, always consult your physician before beginning a new routine. No diet will be successful in the long run unless it is safe, nutritious and helps you to develop lifelong healthy habits. Always remember to make daily exercise a part of any diet program.

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Ways to Lose 15 Pounds Fast