Learning how to lose weight God's way can bring new hope and solutions to those who feel as if, when it comes to dieting, they have tried and failed at it all.
Learning to Let Go
Many who turn to a spiritual solution for their dieting are at their wits end. They've eliminated carbs, they've joined a gym, and they may have even resorted to dangerous measures such as using diet pills or starvation in hopes of seeing results.
Unfortunately many do not realize that turning to a higher being could possibly be a positive first step rather than a last resort. Whether their reason is based on culture or how they were raised, or if they simply believe they can achieve their goals within their own power, - dieters rarely turn to God until they are at the height of their frustration and discouragement.
What does God say we should do to lose weight? The first suggestion he provides through the Bible is for us to have a willingness to just "let go" of the situation. Whether you are Christian, Jewish or Muslim, the appropriate holy book will show you examples of how to "let go and let God."
This challenges those who consider themselves to be self-sufficient individuals. There is an aspect of perceived weakness that many battle. In the end, letting go and realizing you need the support of something besides your own strong will is the first step toward making a positive and effective change.
Finding Accountability
As much as God does not want you to make important life changes without his help, he also did not design us to be lone soldiers. Having an enthusiastic earthly companion (or even several) can motivate and inspire you toward your weight loss goal even when the road ahead seems rocky.
If you do not have an activity partner already, the best place to find one with a similar godly motivation is at your religious organization of choice. Many Christian churches have weight loss ministries already in action, which can be your easiest solution. However simply attending a church, synagogue, etc. can widen your social circle and increase your chances of finding a friend and accountability partner.
The Internet is also a great resource, as there are many god-based message boards and blogs that can bring encouragement and comfort when you are feeling lonely or hopeless in regards to weight loss.
Musically Losing Weight God's Way
Adding a soundtrack to your fight toward a fitter life can be a mood booster and source of energy. If you don't already own one, consider investing in an iPod or other form of mp3 or CD player so that you have a portable music selection you enjoy. Worship music in many forms is available in a variety of places, including your local music store and on mp3 download sites such as iTunes and Amazon.
Listening to music lifts your thoughts away from exercise and weight loss, and soothes your mind even if your body is feeling stressed. Good tunes also make the time pass more quickly, causing your 30 minutes on the treadmill to seem more like a quick 10.
Rerouting Your Emotions
Losing weight God's way can also be achieved by learning how to channel negative emotions into other outlets. Many people agree they eat more when they are depressed, angry or stressed out.
How can you positively expel hurt feelings from your system? Try journaling or keeping up with a bible study - either in a group setting or individually with an inexpensive study purchased from your local religious bookstore.
Some have also found that spiritual counseling with a certified therapist helps to rid them of unwanted emotions. When these underlying issues are resolved, weight loss oftentimes becomes much easier.
Losing weight God's way is a diet that is usually encouraging and effective since it is easily personalized to you and your personal relationship with God. Seeking out God in all you not only helps make weight loss easier, but brings a newfound sense of direction and purpose to your life.