Taking Meridia Appetite Suppressant

Meridia Appetite Suppressant

Meridia appetite suppressant is a diet pill designed to work on the appetite center of the brain. When taking Meridia, it creates a sense of being full and thus curbs the compulsion to eat unnecessarily.

Who Should Take Meridia Appetite Suppressant?

If you are overweight by 100 pounds or more, you know the desire to find an easy way to lose unwanted weight. However, is the Meridia appetite suppressant right for you? Remember that diet pills are drugs. Meridia can be a quick fix to help with short term and and even mid-term weight loss, but what is really necessary is to use that time of drug-aided weight loss to learn healthy life-style basics. People with a history of heart disease, stroke or high blood pressure should not take Meridia.

If you are not 100 pounds overweight or more, in most cases your doctor will not prescribe Meridia. Also, if you are an emotional eater who turns to food for comfort, to celebrate, to ease your nerves or for any reason other than being hungry, Meridia will most likely not work for you because it is designed to work in the part of your brain that lets you know you're hungry. If you're eating because your happy, sad or some other emotional reason, then changing the hunger part of your brain will not matter. You're not eating because you're hungry. You're eating because you have an emotional need and your habit is to feed that need with physical food.

How Long Can You Take Meridia?

Early studies on Meridia appetite suppressant show that it doesn't have the same negative side effects on the heart as the weight-loss pill Fen-phen exhibited. Fen-phen caused valvular heart disease, and to date the use of Meridia has not shown similar damage. However, studies on Meridia are still in the early stages and the safety and effectiveness of taking Meridia longer than a year have not been determined, so be aware that dangers may exist with prolonged use.

Meridia Side Effects

Although Meridia helps decrease appetite, as with any drug, side effects should be taken into consideration before starting this diet pill. Be sure to talk with your health care practitioner about possible side effects and report anything you suspect may be related to taking the drug.

Common Side Effects

  • Dry Mouth
  • Constipation
  • Insomnia

Less Common Side Effects

  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Elevated heart rate

How Fast Do They Work?

Every body is different, and because of this, each body responds differently to diet pills. What you can know is that studies support the fact that people who use Meridia appetite suppressant do lose more weight over the same period of time as a person trying to lose weight without a diet aid.

One point that needs to be stressed is that diet pills are not magic. You don't take them and have your excess weight melt away as some commercials would lead you to believe. Yes, you'll lose weight, but even more weight can be lost when patients learn to make healthier food choices and add exercise to their routine while taking the diet pill. If you just take the diet pill, usually results start to taper off around the six-month mark.

If you do learn to incorporate healthy lifestyle choices into your every day life, when the prescription for the diet pill ends, healthy lifestyle habits will have been established. This will help not only to keep the weight off but, for those who still need to lose, to help them continue down the road to better health through continued weight reduction.

Talk It Over With Your Doctor

The information in this article is in no way meant to take the place of consulting with your doctor regarding your weight loss options. Be sure that whatever decision you make, you enlist the advice of your doctor who can take into consideration your unique physical complexities and medical history.

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Taking Meridia Appetite Suppressant