Products that Target Belly Fat

Can you target belly fat with a pill?

There are all sorts of products that target belly fat, or that at least claim to target belly fat, on the market today. Whether these products are actually effective or a potentially dangerous waste of money is another matter.

About Products that Target Belly Fat

Getting rid of belly fat seems to be on nearly everyone's diet to-do list. There is good reason for this: abdominal fat has been shown to be more dangerous than fat held in other areas of the body. Having a great deal of abdominal fat puts you at greater risk for heart disease and other health problems.

There are tons of companies promoting their preferred magic bullet for losing weight in the belly area. Two of the most popular and widely advertised of these pills areRelacore and CortiSlim.

These pills both claim to target belly fat by controlling cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a hormone excreted in larger quantities when the body is under stress, and may cause the body to hold onto excess fat in the abdominal area.

Relacore says that it works not by including compounds that might help burn fat, but instead by providing a mild anti-anxiety reaction. The idea is that taking the pill along with diet and exercise can help better regulate the body's hormones, allowing for easier loss of existing belly fat with less risk of developing more belly fat in the future.

It claims to reduce stress and improve mood in several days, a visible reduction of body fat within two to three weeks and "significant results" within 30 days. Again, that is with diet and exercise.

CortiSlim says that a combination of diet, exercise and supplements can reduce stress and belly fat levels. While original CortiSlim isn't a fat burner, the company also sells products that claim to boost metabolism, manage hunger and give users more energy.

There are other products that target belly fat and other stubborn fat, including:

  • Xenadrine, which claims to boost metabolism.

The Safety of Belly Fat Products

If you look at all these websites, you will notice one thing in common: the disclaimer that the products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Dietary supplements are not regulated by the FDA. They don't have to show that they are effective in order to be on the market. If an ingredient in the products is harmful, as with phen-phen a few years ago, the FDA has the power to pull the pills from the market, but there's no testing done by the government to ensure a pill is safe before it hits the shelves.

One thing the makers of dietary supplements are bound by is the requirement that they do not make false promises in their advertising. That's why there is so much equivocation and "results not typical" sort of language in advertisements for these products.

The makers of CortiSlim, TrimSpa, Xenadrine and One-a-Day Weight Smart vitamins were fined in early 2007 for making false and misleading statements in their advertising. On CortiSlim's website you'll find no promises of how the pill will work, only success stories from satisfied users.

While most of these products probably won't hurt you, whether they will actually help is another matter. Most are filled with caffeine, vitamins and herbs that may or may not speed metabolism or make you feel less anxious.

Every one of these pills suggests they be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise, so it makes a lot of sense to try diet and exercise alone first. Save that money and spend it on a new pair of running shoes.

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Products that Target Belly Fat