Eating a yeast free diet is meant to inhibit growth of yeast within the body. This diet eliminates all foods containing sugar and wheat. It also prohibits eating processed foods as these contain chemicals and preservatives that feed yeast within the body and cause an overgrowth.
Causes of Yeast Overgrowth
Most people carry harmless yeast within their body known as candida albicans. When this yeast becomes overabundant, it causes a condition called Candiasis. This condition is thought to be a major factor in many health complications. This yeast can go from being present in an innocuous way to growing out of control and making us ill for a variety of reasons. Things that can contribute to candiasis are:
- Stress
- Sugar
- Birth control pills
- Antibiotics
- Steroids
- Chemotherapy
- Surgery
Why Follow a Yeast Free Diet?
Following a yeast free diet can often alleviate symptoms of irritable bowel disease, migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic ear infections, asthma, and attention deficit disorder by reducing the candida level within the body. This diet is also a good tool for weight loss when paired with exercise. Many followers of this diet report increased energy and a decrease in episodes of fatigue which makes exercise more possible and enjoyable and aids in weight reduction.
Foods You Should Avoid
Many foods increase the growth of candida. By removing these foods from your diet you deny candida the food it needs to grow. Obviously, one should avoid foods that contain yeast when following this diet. Other foods that should be strictly eliminated are dairy products and fermented foods. Avoiding foods which contain starch and alcohol is also important, as these become sugars when metabolized.
Other foods to remove from your diet:
- Sugar
- Processed sugar
- Chocolate
- Soft drinks
- Honey and syrup
- Fruit juice and dried fruit
- Starch
- Potatoes
- Corn
- Mold
- Cheese
- Dried, smoked, or cured meats
- Mushrooms
- Peanuts and pistachios
- Baked goods
- Bread and rolls
- Cookies and cakes
- Pretzels
- Vinegar
- Mayonnaise
- Salad dressing
- Mustard
- Pickles
- Alcohol
- Beer
- Wine
- Liquor
After looking at this list, you may believe that candida is not the only one that will be starving while on this diet. Don't worry; there are many delicious foods which can be eaten on this diet. After following the restrictive guidelines for six weeks, you may introduce some of the foods on this list in moderation.
Foods You May Have
The good news about this diet is that there are no portion restrictions for the foods that you are allowed to eat.
- Vegetables preferably of the dark green leafy variety
- Fresh meats
- Whole grain products
- Oatmeal
- Pasta
- Rice
- Unrefined oils
- Raw nuts and seeds
Eating these whole foods will improve your health and energy. After following this diet for several weeks, you may add one new food at a time from the restricted foods list. You will need to continue to eat foods from the recommended foods list as the majority of your diet to help your body maintain its healthy internal balance.
Side Effects
As the yeast in your body dies off and leaves your system, you may suffer a few physical symptoms for a few days. Symptoms sometimes include irritability, fatigue and muscle weakness. This normally passes quickly as your body becomes healthier.
The long term, positive side effects of this diet are increased energy, better overall condition, and a reduction in chronic symptoms such as allergic reactions and digestive upsets. The positive far outnumber the negative and last longer as you adapt to this way of eating.
Healthy Habits
These are a few simple tips to reach your goals when following a special diet. Dieting can be easier when you take a time to:
- Consult a doctor when following any plan
- Plan meals in advance
- Prepare meals ahead of time if you are going to be very busy
- Get twenty minutes of exercise three times per week.
- Read books that explain the diet