If you find it difficult to get to the gym, and standard exercise videos leave you bored, consider trying online step aerobics. Downloadable videos allow you to get instant workouts right in the comfort of your own home.
Where to Find Internet Based Step Aerobics
There are a number of ways you can find step aerobics classes online. From short, free videos on YouTube, to memberships with several sites, you can sign up for the program that best fits your needs. Some will require a yearly membership, while others will allow you to subscribe by the month, with discounts given for longer time frames. Check out the following resources for step routines online.
Step by Step
Available free on YouTube, Jenny Ford offers her Step by Step series. A challenging routine for beginners, this workout is nearly an hour long so it takes some stamina to complete, but the moves aren't complicated. Ford offers more step aerobics routines on her YouTube channel and her website.
Intermediate Step With Karla
Specifically designed for intermediate steppers, this half hour video is one of the many routines offered by Fit Outside the Box with Karla. Featuring a warm up and cool down, this workout manages to offer a complete routine within around 30 minutes. This is a great workout for those ready to go beyond beginner workouts without jumping right into an advanced routine.
Step Aerobics With Ashli
An advanced step aerobics routine that lasts over an hour, this is a good option for those already accustomed to the movements of step aerobics. Not only is it a test to stamina, but the movements are also a little more complicated than is suitable for beginning steppers.
Transform :20
Fitness personality Shaun T of BeachBody fame returns with Transform :20, a step aerobics-based is both difficult and fast-paced. This is a great option for advanced exercisers who are crunched for time. The sessions only last 20 minutes each; Shaun T makes the claim that exercisers will see results in 6 weeks. BeachBody subscribers can access these workouts on-demand as part of their membership, with plan pricing that ranges from $40 to around $200.
Xtreme Fitness With Phil
Xtreme Fitness with Phil combines hip hop dance with step aerobics for a fun, energized workout. Make no mistake; while it's indeed a lot of fun, it's also a great workout. Though locations teaching this branded format are expanding rapidly, brief clips of this fun workout are available on the Xtreme Fitness YouTube channel. And even though these clips aren't full workouts on their own, they are a lot of fun and will get your heart pumping.
Workouts on Demand
Simple, effective step aerobics routines are featured on the streaming website Workouts on Demand alongside a variety of other workouts. Try one of the free workouts or join for a monthly fee of around $10 for full access to all videos. Routines for both beginners and advanced are available on this website.
Online Step Aerobics Benefits
Nearly every gym in the country offers some form of step aerobics. An instructor led class, step aerobics involves stepping onto platforms of adjustable height in a pattern of steps set to music. The classes can be simple or challenging, and are a great way to tone muscle and burn calories.
The Online Advantage
Online step aerobics allow exercisers to get in a challenging workout without taking time to leave the house. Find a fitness personality who motivates you with step music you like and you'll be more likely to keep going. Online options are also great for people who feel awkward or self conscious exercising in a group setting.
Step Aerobics for Everyone
Internet based step aerobics works on the same principal as an exercise video. An instructor gives you a similar workout to the one you would have received at the gym, in the comfort of your own home. As with any step aerobics classes done at home, you will need to purchase the equipment necessary. If the gym schedule doesn't match yours and exercise videos are just gathering dust on your shelf, an online step class may be the answer for you.