Exercises for Seniors With Pictures

Updated July 16, 2019

Active Seniors


With people living longer and wanting to maintain healthy lifestyles into their later years, viewing pictures of exercises for seniors may be the incentive you need to stay active for life. Young and old alike benefit from exercise.

Stretch it Out


Don't let your flexibility diminish as you age. Take a few minutes every day to stretch and keep your joints fluid and flexible.

Using a stability ball as part of your stretching routine involves your core muscles as well.

A Ride for Two


Bike riding is an activity that people of all ages can enjoy. Ride with a partner for twice the fun.

Indoor stationary bicycles offer similar benefits and allow people to ride in the comfort of their own home.

Maintain Muscle


Men and women can maintain good muscle tone with simple exercises like push-ups and pull-ups.

Little to no equipment is required and you don't need a lot of space, so these are exercises you can easily fit into your day. Seniors can make modifications if necessary in order to complete the exercise safely. For example, those who do not like taking to the floor for push-ups can modify to do the push-ups against a wall while standing.

Active and Sporty


You can take part in sports like golf and tennis your entire life. Golf involves plenty of walking and tennis keeps your coordination in tip-top shape.

Interacting with others while you play is another benefit.

Walk for Life


If you want a simple routine that's low-impact but still highly beneficial, walking is one of the best exercises for seniors.

A beachside stroll with a life partner is a wonderful way to start or end your day.

Aquatic Fun


Swimming is an excellent way to stay active without putting too much pressure on your joints.

Pool play is also an activity you can enjoy with your children and grandchildren.

Resistance Workouts


Using resistance bands is a gentle way to maintain and build strength. Seniors like resistance bands because they are highly portable and the injury risk is lessened when compared to hand weights (dropping a resistance band on your toe isn't going to hurt at all, but dropping a weight on your toe may prompt a trip to the emergency room).

Yoga for Seniors


The benefits of yoga for seniors are numerous. It can help older people maintain or increase their flexibility while also strengthening the entire body.

The stress-reducing benefits are also phenomenal.

Strong Seniors


Being older doesn't have to mean giving up strength training. In fact, strength training has myriad benefits including injury prevention and better performance in activities of daily living.

If you're new to strength training, seek out guidance from a trainer well-versed in this type of training for seniors.

Tough Workouts


Seniors who live an active lifestyle can participate in just about any exercise they like.

Those new to exercise should ease into activity slowly and with the approval of their physician, but those who have always been active and have no medical issues preventing them from exercise should stay active with whatever they enjoy the most.

Dancing Shoes


Exercise doesn't have to be within the confines of a gym. Many seniors stay quite active without a single piece of exercise equipment.

Dancing can be an effective - and enjoyable - way to get activity in.

Chair Fitness


Seniors with limited mobility or stamina may enjoy group fitness classes that are done from a chair, such as the Silver Sneakers program.

These classes are designed to keep seniors active while also bolstering community among those in attendance. It's a social way to keep moving!

Tai Chi


Though tai chi isn't known as a strenuous workout, it is indeed a great way for seniors to stay active.

Like yoga, tai chi has stress-relieving benefits. The gentle flow of tai chi makes it accessible to older adults who cannot tolerate faster paced exercise.

Get Moving and Stay Moving


Staying active is far easier than getting active. Keep moving despite the years passing and you'll find you can still engage in your favorite activities long into your golden years.

People of all ages exercise for strength, stability, flexibility, and overall health. Age doesn't have to lead to a sedentary lifestyle - keep moving!

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Exercises for Seniors With Pictures