Reasons People Don't Exercise

Updated May 23, 2019
man watching TV

With the busy lives most people lead, there are many reasons people don't exercise. Exercise can sometimes be the last thing on a person's to-do list with a schedule filled with demanding jobs and kids. However, what most people do not realize is that regular exercise can make life easier. Learn the top reasons people don't exercise and why they should.

Top Reasons People Don't Exercise

There are many reasons people don't exercise. Here are the most common reasons, as well as ways to fit it into your day.

A Busy Schedule

A busy schedule is the most common reason people choose not to exercise. Whether the busy schedule is due to a job or kids or both, many people can't imagine fitting exercise into a packed day.

Exercise can be fit in almost any schedule by spending even 15 minutes of exercise daily or 30 minutes of exercise every other day. The section below will provide more ways to add exercise to a busy schedule.

Previous Failed Exercise Attempts

If a person has experienced many failed exercise attempts where she felt like the exercise was ineffective or gave up on a workout routine, she might feel discouraged. If a person gets easily bored with exercise, changing an exercise routine frequently can help keep her focused on exercise.

Hate Exercise

When a person hates exercise, it can be because she finds it boring or painful. Finding the right exercises that are enjoyable will help prevent boredom. Some people do best by taking up a physical activity hobby instead of traditional exercise. Karate and rollerblading are two examples of ways to spice up exercise.

Limited Budget

If a limited budget prevents a person from affording a gym membership, there are other ways to get exercise without spending a lot of money. Some recreational centers and YMCAs have low-cost or free exercise classes. People can also exercise at home without expensive equipment. Taking up running or walking provides a free cardio workout. Cheap dumbbells and an exercise mat are all that is necessary for an effective home workout.

Exercise Doesn't Seem to Work

Some people give up on exercise if they do not see obvious results or get easily bored with an exercise routine. All exercise benefits the body in some way. However, if a person has a specific fitness goal, it is important to do exercises that work toward that goal. There also may be lifestyle modifications to assist a workout goal. For example, a person who has a lot of extra fat on the abdominal area will not see dramatic results such as a flat belly without changing their dietary habits, too.

Exercise Is Painful

Some people give up on exercise because of a previous injury. Sports injuries do occur, which is why it is important to practice exercise safety. Warming up and cooling down before and after exercise is important to prevent injury.

If a health problem seems like an obstacle to exercise, people should talk to their doctor for recommendations on how to safely exercise. There are many low-impact or no-impact exercises such as swimming, that are safe for many people with health problems.

Why Exercise Makes Life Easier

Yes, even busy people will find that exercise can help improve their lifestyle. Regular exercise provides both physical and mental benefits that can help busy people organize their life, have more energy and generally feel more content.

Physical Benefits of Exercise

The benefits of exercise are numerous. Adding exercise can actually make life easier both physically and mentally. Physical benefits of exercise include:

  • Increased energy which allows people to handle busy schedules better
  • Less sick days because exercise help boost the immune system
  • Prevents many chronic illnesses such as hypertension, heart disease and diabetes

Mental Benefits of Exercise

An increase in endorphins and better overall hormone regulation from exercising can lead to better concentration and mood. Mental benefits of exercise include:

  • Enhanced ability to focus to help people handle busy days
  • Less mental stress from rushing around
  • Overall mood improvement helps people still feel generally happier and peaceful
Group celebrating together in gym

How to Fit Exercise in a Busy Schedule

It is possible to fit exercise in a busy schedule. Here are some suggestions to add exercise to your day:

  • Write a regular exercise time in your weekly planner: Schedule a cumulative 30 minutes of exercise daily - this can be broken down into three, ten-minute walks if you can't find a 30 minute block in your day. According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), you should perform moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week or at least three times a week.
  • Hire a personal trainer: Hire a personal trainer and meet for scheduled workout periods. The personal trainer can develop a workout plan for a person's specific fitness level, goals and availability.
  • Take an exercise class: A group fitness class can be a fun way to fit exercise into a schedule.
  • Put together a workout plan: Put together a workout plan that includes a mixture of cardio and strength exercises. Commit to the workout plan for a scheduled period of time every day or every other day. This can help keep a person focused on exercise.
  • Put physical activity into all aspects of life: There are many ways to fit exercise into a busy schedule in small ways. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take breaks from a desk job to walk around for few minutes. Go for a walk during your lunch break. Walk the dog daily. Go for walks with the kids to help them get more exercise, too.

Exercise for a Better Life

While there are many reasons that people choose not to exercise, there are even more reasons to stick to a workout program. It is worth rearranging a busy schedule to fit exercise in for a happier and more productive life.

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Reasons People Don't Exercise