The Surabhi mudra is considered a hand gesture of wish fulfillment. It is a mudra that stimulates the third (solar plexus) chakra.
Performing Surabhi Mudra
At first glance, this mudra looks complex, but once you've broken it down into simple steps, it isn't as difficult as it seems.
- Sit comfortably with your elbows bent and your hands held at chest height.
- Touch the tip of the ring finger of your left hand to the tip of the pinkie of your right hand and hold it there.
- Touch the tip of the ring finger of your right hand to the tip of the pinkie of your left hand and hold it there.
- Touch the tip of the index finger of your right hand to the tip of the middle finger of your left hand and hold it there.
- Touch the tip of the index finger of your left hand to the tip of the middle finger or your right hand.
- Hold your thumbs at a 90-degree angle to your hands and point them toward the center of your chest.
- Start by holding the mudra for a minute or two, and as you gain proficiency and your hands and fingers relax and are better able to achieve the position, hold the mudra for five minutes (or longer if used in meditation).
This mudra can seem daunting, but if you perform it a step at a time and take your time to allow your hands and fingers to relax and stretch, it will help.
- Practice the mudra in pieces. So first, just work with the pinkies and ring fingers. Release that and then work with the index and middle fingers.
- If your hands cramp as you practice, open and close your fingers to full contraction and extension several times to stretch them before trying again.
Benefits of the Wish Fulfillment Mudra
Also known as kamadhenu mudra (which means the mother of cows mudra), or the wish fulfillment mudra, this mudra is named after the Goddess Kamadhenu, a sacred cow in Indian culture who grants all wishes. Benefits of the mudra include:
- Detoxification
- Balancing the five Ayurvedic elements of the body
- Balancing hormones
- Stimulating the third chakra, which is related to creativity and self-esteem, thus boosting these elements
A Mudra for Self-Empowerment
Meditating with this mudra can set you on the path to self-empowerment. By combining it with other meditative elements, such as visualizing the color yellow and speaking the third chakra Bija mantra, "Ram" (pronounced rahm), you can stimulate self-confident energy emanating from your solar plexus.