Depending on your relationship with your spouse and your emotional health, artificial insemination and marital problems may be a concern.
What Is Artificial Insemination?
Artificial insemination is a process infertile couples can use to become pregnant. Infertility problems that may require this procedure are:
- Low sperm count in the male
- Slow sperm mobility
- Erectile or sexual dysfunction
- Women with unexplained infertility problems
- Women with certain forms of endometriosis
- Women with thick or acidic cervical mucus
The Procedure and Success Rate
After a full screening by a doctor, a couple's infertility issue will hopefully be pinpointed. Many times, a couple is diagnosed with unidentifiable fertility issues. If this is the case, some frustration may be inevitable. The following are some of the potential outcomes and procedures that will occur if a couple undergoes artificial insemination:
- If the potential father is able to ejaculate, he will provide his sperm to the doctor either on his own or thru a medical procedure.
- If he is unable to ejaculate, the doctor may be able to retrieve the sperm thru medical procedures.
- If the male does not have available sperm, the couple can use donor sperm.
- The couple will choose the sperm donor by matching up their needs and wants using a questionnaire provided by the fertility clinic.
- The doctor will determine what type of artificial insemination procedure will be most successful.
- The female may undergo hormonal treatments.
- Once the sperm is collected, the female will undergo a medical procedure where the doctor may place the sperm into the uterus.
- The success rate of artificial insemination is between 10 to 20 percent.
Artificial Insemination and Marital Problems
Couples who go through fertility procedures such as artificial insemination know that it can be physically arduous and emotionally taxing. Anxiety over the initial tests to determine which partner is experiencing the fertility problems can be a direct hit to the ego, especially for males. Fertility problems can be the most difficult problem a couple has had to face. Whatever the outcome, you should vow to each other to act loving and patient.
Emotions: The Ups and Downs Of Fertility Treatments
Artificial insemination and marital problems are undeniably an emotional rollercoaster. There is no 'right way' or 'normal way' you should feel during this process but there are some emotions that commonly occur. Following is a list of the emotions you may experience during your treatments:
- Anger
- Frustration
- Anxiety
- Sadness
- Loss
- Stress
- Hopefulness
- Helplessness
- Excitement
- Impatience
- Anticipation
- Resentment
- Acceptance
Avoiding Marital Problems
Artificial insemination and marital problems do not have to go hand-in-hand if the couple is prepared for the emotional rollercoaster and communicates with each other in a loving manner. Just because an emotion is normal, does not mean you should act on it in a negative manner. Self-control is needed when going through fertility treatments. Following are some tips to avoid the artificial insemination and marital problems trap:
- Couples should be prepared to have open and loving communication.
- Seek counseling before you begin the procedure if you think there will be a problem.
- Learn and practice stress management techniques.
- Learn and practice active listening skills.
- Do not judge each other.
- Share your feelings with each other.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Do not react in anger.
- Don't play the blame game.
- Be the first to apologize if you argue.
- Recognize when either you or your partner is depressed.
- Focus on the positive things in your relationship and life.
- Spend time doing fun things together and going on special trips or dates.
- Join a support group so that you can meet with people going through the same emotions you are.
- Understand your wife may not be acting like herself due to hormonal treatments she may need to undergo.
- Continue to be intimate with each other.
- Respect your partners' wishes to discontinue fertility treatments.
- Be hopeful and have faith everything will work out.
- Be open to other methods of receiving children.
Websites and Support
Many fertility specialists will require couples to go to counseling before or during their fertility treatments. This is a wise choice if you are able to do so. Following are a few websites for you to peruse that may offer support: