Belly Test to Determine the Gender of a Baby

Updated September 3, 2019
Pregnant woman

The belly test for gender of a baby during pregnancy is among the many tricks for trying to detect the growing baby's sex. Although it's not always accurate, the pregnant woman's belly test is a fun way to predict your baby's gender before your doctor orders an ultrasound to confirm it.

How to Use the Belly Test to Predict Gender

Among the long list of gender tests is the belly test for predicting whether you're having a boy or girl. This test is not only safe, but is also free. The process is a simple observation that on the surface seems very easy. However, it is important to get a clear definition of the terms used in the test to avoid confusion.

Note Belly Position

According to the belly test for baby's gender, a woman can tell the sex of her baby by observing the position and shape of her belly. You will want to note belly height and width to determine the baby's gender.

Carrying a Boy vs. Carrying a Girl

Your baby's gender can be more difficult to detect than it seems since the way a woman gains weight is thought to measure into the equation. The theory is that women who have bellies that are prominent with extra weight in front are carrying boys while women who carry extra weight in the rear and hips are carrying girls. So, for a woman with a boy, the pregnancy belly will look different. If you have more of a round belly, a girl may be on the way. In other words:

Find Your Belly Shape

Like any unscientific gender test, it's accurate about half the time, but it is important to consider physical factors that determine the size and shape of a pregnant belly from a more realistic perspective. Use the images to find the belly that looks the most like your own. These potential baby boy vs. baby girl pregnancy belly pictures may help you make a guess.

  • 'Carrying low' means that the baby bump, the part of the belly that protrudes the most, is settled close to the hips.
    low baby boy belly bump
  • 'Carrying high' means that the baby bump rests high in the abdominal area. She may be carrying the baby close to the ribs rather than closer to the hips.
    carrying high
  • 'Narrow' refers to the shape of the uterus when it protrudes outward, toward the front.
    Narrow baby boy belly shape in pregnancy
  • 'Wide' refers to the shape of the uterus when it settles to the sides.
    wide belly

Belly Shape and Size

Many things factor into the shape and size of the belly during pregnancy, though gender does not make the list as far as medical science is concerned. This may include:

  • Good muscle tone may make the bump appear smaller.
  • Weaker muscle tone may make the bump appear larger.
  • Bigger babies make bigger bellies.
  • Multiples naturally lead to large bellies.
  • The natural shape of the woman's uterus can dictate the shape of the bump.
  • A shorter torso may translate into carrying wide.
  • A longer torso may translate into carrying narrow.

Many different combinations can exist. A young woman with tight abdominal muscles who has a long torso may appear to be carrying a boy when she is carrying a girl. An older woman with a short torso and previous pregnancies may appear to be carrying a girl when the baby is really a boy. Nevertheless, many believe that the belly test for baby gender prediction is a reliable test.

How Does the Belly Predict Gender?

There is no real explanation for the reasoning behind the belly observation test. Some may hold on to the idea that infant males are larger than infant females, and that this size difference would naturally lead to a protruding belly that rests low in women carrying males. Females who are smaller and lighter than males would be closer to the body and carried high.

Realistically, babies come in a variety of sizes, with some males being smaller than females. Factor this into the many different elements that feed into the size and shape of a pregnant woman's belly, and the test falls short.

Other Gender Tests to Try

There are other fun home gender tests you can try. These include:

Wedding Ring Gender Test

The wedding ring gender test is one of the safest and most common ways to predict if you're having a boy or girl. It involves tying a string to your wedding band a checking the motion to determine gender. There is no scientific backing for its accuracy but it can be a fun experience to share with loved ones.

Pencil Gender Test

The pencil gender test is another safe option of trying to determine if you're having a boy or girl. This involves having a pencil hung over your arm and gauging its direction to determine gender. Again, accuracy is difficult to determine but doing the test can be amusing and interesting.

Chinese Gender Prediction Birth Chart

The Chinese gender prediction birth chart is one of the oldest ways to determine the sex of your baby. The chart determines gender by using the mother's age and the month the baby was conceived. Sources claim that this type of test has a high success rate. This chart can also be used to try to plan and select a certain gender prior to conceiving.

Drano Gender Test

The Drano gender test claims to predict gender by mixing your urine with Drano. The color of the mixture will determine if you're having a boy or girl. However, there is no scientific proof to back up the accuracy of this test. Also, before you decide to try this test, you should know that it could be potentially harmful to you and your baby. You should wear protective eyewear and gloves if handling Drano and work in a well-ventilated area or even outdoors because there is the possibility that you could inhale toxic fumes. Before trying the Drano gender test, you should always consider your safety and your baby's safety and well-being first.

Girl Belly vs. Boy Belly Gender Prediction

Dozens of gender prediction methods have been developed over the years, and there is good reason for their popularity. Few things are as miraculous as a developing baby. Guessing your baby's gender in the beginning stages can help you feel closer to your developing little one. Although these methods are correct about 50 percent of the time, they are a fun way to pass the time before your doctor officially tells you whether you're having a boy or girl.

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Belly Test to Determine the Gender of a Baby