Potty training is an important transition in your child's life and learning the finer points of this process can be challenging for families. Fortunately, there are lots of great potty training videos that can help, and many of them are available free of charge to watch online. These videos serve different purposes, but each can help families navigating this new skill.
Fun Potty Training Videos for Kids to Watch
Young children learn through watching role models and play. These creative potty training videos are made with young children in mind and combine fun with visual and auditory learning opportunities.
Communicating the Need to Use the Potty
For some kids, one of the hardest parts of potty training is communicating to adults that they need to go. This cute potty training cartoon models a little boy realizing he has to use the bathroom and then telling his parents about it. It's great for young toddlers to watch, as well as kids with developmental delays. The concepts are simple, and the presentation is cute.
Funny Potty Training Song
Fun songs help with potty training because they are memorable and enjoyable. They help toddler viewers see that using the potty can be fun and the catchy words help them remember what steps to take. "The Potty Song" by Pink Fong features a catchy tune that tells kids to pull down their pants, then underwear, then pee or poop in the potty. Singing and dancing toilet paper, droplets of pee, and poops make the video more fun for toddlers.
Pee and Poop Potty Song
Sung to the familiar tune of "Apples and Bananas" this fun song is about one and a half minutes long. The lyrics of "I Go to the Potty" talk about going pee and poop on the potty, washing hands after going potty, and becoming a big kid after learning to use the potty. The video features a cartoon boy dressed as a superhero.
Elmo Potty Training Video
Kids who love watching Sesame Street can watch a quick, two-minute video of Elmo learning all about using the potty from his dad. The video even features a jazz-inspired potty song by little Elmo's dad.
Potty Monkey Cartoon for Kids to Watch
Potty Monkey is a product parents can buy to help with potty training, but the accompanying video is free and can be used without the product. This ten-minute cartoon show features a little monkey as he learns from his parents how to use the potty and wear underwear. Kids will love the potty sound effects and funny phrases like "The pee just won't come out!"
Helping Boys and Girls Learn Through Images
These two videos from Art Made with Love feature adorable posters and matching text. One is specific to girls and the other focuses on boys. Both videos are short, but they offer a visual reminder for young children about the steps they need to follow during the important task of using the toilet.
Potty Training Video for Girls
Girls who are going through potty training can learn a lot from this great video.
Potty Training Video for Boys
This video can be very helpful for little boys who are going through potty training.
Potty Training Videos for Parents to Watch
If you're ready to help your child with potty training, videos from professionals can help you get started.
Deciding if Your Child Is Ready
In this helpful video by Dana Obleman of Sleep Sense, you'll learn exactly how to tell if your toddler is ready to give up diapers. Get tips for making the transition easier, including watching for your child's signs of readiness and introducing potty training concepts without pressure or shame. If you haven't yet started the toilet training process, this is worth a look.
Using a Potty Training Chart
Parents Magazine shares what a potty training chart is and how to use one in their brief, one-minute video. You'll learn what a chart should look like, how to keep track of successes, and how to reward your child's achievements.
Teaching Boys
Because of their anatomy, potty training boys is a little different from teaching girls how to use the potty. This helpful video from Diaper Dirt details the tools you'll need to teach your little man to use the toilet, as well as a few tips on body position, aiming and other boy-specific issues. It's presented in a down-to-earth way that many parents will enjoy.
More Free Videos
In addition to the options here, you'll find some more great free videos online. Check out the following resources.
Potty Training Concepts
The company Potty Training Concepts sells urinals, potty seats, clean-up supplies, and more. It also offers several free videos for both kids and parents. There are options with helpful tips and tricks as well as cute cartoons for kids to watch.
Parents Magazine
In this video from Parents Magazine, Dr. Ari Brown details the three-day method for potty training. Also called "potty training boot camp," this method works for many parents. In the video, you'll learn the basics, as well as helpful tips to make it work for your family.
WebMD offers fantastic videos from renowned developmental pediatrician T. Berry Brazelton for parents beginning the potty training process. Potty Training 101 offers success tips and When to Introduce Potty Training covers the signs of readiness and the ideal age to begin training.
Pampers has produced a very helpful potty training video, which you can watch for free. You'll learn lots of great information about making the process fun for your child and helping everyone feel that the training is a success.
Other Sources for Free Videos
The Internet isn't the only place to get free videos about toilet training. Try out these other resources as well:
- Many libraries allow you to check out DVDs for free and they can often request titles through interlibrary loan. If you know of a specific title you'd like to try, such as one featuring a beloved character like Elmo or Mickey Mouse, ask if they can get it for you.
- Talk to friends and family with children a little older than yours. You may be able to borrow a video from them.
- If your child is in pre-school, the school may have a few videos it allows parents to borrow. Ask your child's teacher for more information.
Videos Can Be Helpful
Whether you're watching videos to help you take the best approach in training your child or you want videos that will engage and interest your little one in this important transition, there are some good free options out there. No matter where you are in the potty training process, these resources can help.