If you are seeking information about hemangioma babies, this article will tell you everything you need to know, including what hemangiomas are, what to expect, treatment and more.
What Are Hemangioma Babies?
Hemangioma babies are babies born with a benign tumor on the surface of their skin. This tumor is made up of endothelial cells, which are the cells that line the blood vessels. Hemangiomas are typically a raised, textured red mark on a hemangioma baby's skin, which can occur anywhere on the baby's body.
While tumor may seem like a scary word, it is important to understand that a hemangioma is both benign (non-cancerous) and self-involuting (meaning that the lesion may grow, but that it will eventually disappear.) Hemangioma baabies are babies whose tumors or lesions will disappear - it is not a permanent birthmark like a port wine stain.
Physiology of a Hemangioma
Your baby's hemangioma is actually connected to the body's circulatory system. It is filled with blood, which can often cause it to appear as if it is slightly blue in color and swollen.
While most hemangiomas present on the skin, in rare cases they also grow internally - such as on the liver.
Hemangiomas are the most common childhood tumor and are present in approximately 10% of Caucasian babies.
How Are Hemangiomas Formed?
Most hemangiomas are formed either during the mother's pregnancy or shortly after birth. About 80% of all hemangiomas appear on the face, neck or head. They are more common in pregnancies with multiple fetuses and are more common in females. Hemangiomas are very rare in adults, and their incidence decreases significantly after the age of ten.
Causes of Hemangiomas
Little is known about the cause of hemangioma; however, recent studies indicate that estrogen may be partially to blame. The incidence of hemangioma has increased in recent history.
Diagnoses of Hemangioma Babies
Many hemangiomas are initially misdiagnosed. They can initially appear as a scratch or a bruise; however, with time the vessels on the surface of the skin begin to swell. Initially the hemangioma will appear as a flat purplish area with obvious blood vessels surrounding it. The skin surrounding the skin on the hemangioma baby may appear pale around the hemangioma, in comparison with the rest of the baby's skin.
Complications of Hemangioma
While complications are rare, they can occur. Ulceration may occur, which can lead to significant bleeding. If a hemangioma ulserates in the diaper area, pain and irritation can occur. In rare instances where a hemangioma develops on the larynx, breathing difficulties can occur.
Treatment of Hemangioma
Due to the self-limiting nature of the lesion, treatment isn't always necessary for hemangioma babies. Most of the lesions disappear on their own after their growth has completed, leaving little or no visible sign of their presence.
If a hemangioma interferes with breathing or threatens to affect vision, plastic surgery is recommended for the removal of the lesion. In most cases where hemangioma is treated, however, treatment is rendered by oral dosage of corticosteroid medications. In stubborn cases, other drugs may be used. Some newer therapies are being tried now, including corticosteroid injection into the lesion, pulse-dye laser treatment and oral administration of beta blocker medications.
Progression and Prognosis
Hemangioma babies will typically progress through a number of stages.
During this stage - which can last up to 12 months - the lesion is likely to grow very quickly. Unless the hemangioma ulcerates or interferes with vision and breathing, treatment is not typically recommended.
During this stage - which can last up to a year - there is little or no change in the appearance of the lesion. Again, it is unusual that treatment is recommended during the rest phase.
During this stage, the lesion begins to get smaller and smaller until it ultimately disappears. It is common that 50% of all hemangioma lesions are gone by the age of five, and almost all hemangiomas are gone by the onset of puberty.
For more information about hemangioma, check with your pediatrician. .