When conventional therapies have failed to improve your acne, granites natural treatment might be able to help. A lot of people have reported good results, although they warn that this home remedy is fussy. However, the possibility of permanently clear skin is definitely worth the extra effort.
Making Natural Granites for Acne Treatment
You've probably heard that silica is a good acne treatment. Silica supplements can be bought in drugstores and health food stores, although the more homeopathy-based the compound is, the more effective it is considered. You can also get silica from a naturopath. However, if you want the results that natural healers say is possible, you have to break up pure granites yourself.
Silica is a mineral derived from silicon dioxide, which is found in flint, quartz and sandstone. To prepare the silica, you need red granite and white, soft, semi-transparent pebbles. They must be thoroughly dry - you can leave them in the sun for an hour to be sure. Break the granite and take a portion from the inner stone and put both stones on a clean metal surface. Beat them with a hammer until they are powder. Transfer the powder into a 1-liter bottle of mineral water. Shake and let settle for ten minutes. During this time, the rocks will sink to the bottom. Pour out a third of the liquid without shaking the bottle and that is your acne treatment. Yes, you are drinking rocks. Users swear that two drops three times a day will yield results in as little as two days.
Safer Use of Granites
It's not easy to be sure you've got the right rocks, so if you want to use granites for natural acne treatment and don't want to risk drinking who-knows-what, you can follow the above recipe but instead use the sediment at the bottom of the bottle as the basis for an external treatment. Mix a tablespoon with 1000 mg of uncoated aspirin (an aspirin mask can be a very good way to heal acne). You can also add a tablespoon of mother-of-pearl, a tablespoon of fluoride toothpaste and a few drops of hot mustard, but skin specialists tend to advise against the toothpaste, as this once-popular acne remedy is proving to be not just ineffective but potentially problematic. Apply this to your face three times a day for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly and follow with a strong moisturizer.
Easier Granites Natural Acne Treatment
There's natural and there's natural, and since pounding up rocks is not very practical for most people, it makes far more sense to simply buy silica (also called silicea). Silica acts to expel any buildup in the body, which is why it's considered good for chronic acne, as this may be caused by an excess of toxins. Any condition that isn't healing as fast as you'd like might be helped by a dose of silica.
When starting with homeopathic treatments, it's usually best to start with a low dose and work your way to something stronger. The exception is if you are getting a prescription from a naturopath. This will be the more expensive way to go, but may prove the most effective in the end, especially because a naturopath might suggest a mix of treatments and can probably even prepare a compound for you so that you don't have to take twenty pills a day at scattered times.
If you can't see a naturopath, try the 6c dosage of silica two to three times a day for two weeks and see if you notice any difference. The silica is prepared chemically, rather than from rocks, and is highly diluted, but should still have some effect. If the 6c seems to help, try upping the dosage to the 30c dosage for faster results. When it comes to stubborn acne, the granites natural treatment can help, but as with many remedies, you must try to be patient and let it do its job. Good luck!