Why Homemade Sunscreen?
There are so many different brands of sunscreen currently on the market, how can you know which one is ideal for your skin? The truth of the matter is, it is virtually impossible to give your skin exactly what it needs, as many formulas are combining different features for a multitude of functionalities. At the same time, you are giving your body chemicals and ingredients it definitely does not need. Can you pronounce all of the things found in your sunscreen? Chances are, you can't. By making homemade sunscreen, you are giving your body the positive benefits without all of the complication of foreign additives.
Making Your Own Sun Barrier
To make homemade sunscreen, you have to remember the two purposes it is meant to serve. First, it helps to maintain your skin's natural hydration so that you can stay healthy after extended sun exposure. Dehydration is bad for the skin and the body, and so retaining basic moisture is vital. The second function of sunscreen is to shield your skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays. These can cause premature aging, and more tragically, skin cancer. The fairer your skin, the higher amount of SPF you should be using to protect yourself.
To make your own homemade sunscreen you will need several ingredients:
- 3 tablespoons of unrefined sesame oil
- 1 tablespoon of unrefined avocado oil
- 1 tablespoon of unrefined jojoba oil
- 1 tablespoon of almond or walnut oil
- 1 tablespoon of shea butter
- 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter
- 1 teaspoon of beeswax
- 1 teaspoon of soy-lecithin liquid
- 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
- 2 tablespoons of rose or lavender water
- ½ teaspoon of borax powder
- 20 drops carrot seed essential oil
- 3-5 drops of coconut fragrance oil (if you want a more pleasant scent)
The majority of these ingredients can be purchased at a health foods store or organic skincare shop. You can also specially order them online with a simple google search.
Combine the first four oils, the butters, and the beeswax by melting them over medium heat. Wait until they are softened and add the soy-lecithin. Mix these together and remove from the heat.
Next you will want to warm the aloe vera and rose water, stirring in the borax powder until it is dissolved.
When both of these mixtures are about the same temperature, set the aloe and rose water in a bowl of ice. Mix it with the oils and stir forcefully. A cream should come out of this. Be sure to blend thoroughly and add the carrot-seed and coconut to finish it off!
Natural After-Sun Fixes
If you love your natural sunscreen, you may want to keep another concoction on hand in case you forget to apply protection while playing outside. You can reduce inflammation by putting yogurt or aloe gel on the affected areas.
Spraying lavender water on the sun can also help your body retain the moisture it desperately needs when recovering from sunstroke or a burn. This can also help to minimize peeling and quicker healing.
Keeping safe in the sun does not have to involve damaging chemicals and ingredients you just don't know the components of. Making homemade sunscreen is safer and can be a fun activity for families who need something to do on those summer days free of school.
Remember that it is never really safe to tan, and you should always protect your skin from such an activity. There are plenty of sunless tanners available if you are desiring that bronzed look but don't want to compromise your health or safety.
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