Your wallet may find itself getting increasingly lighter the more you spend on natural skin care products. They certainly don't come cheap, but that's another problem easily solved with the help of a few products that you likely already have at home. Consider these skin-friendly recipes to create your own products in the comfort of your own home.
Intense Hydrating Lotion Recipe
If you suffer from dry skin, you know the importance of a high-quality moisturizer. Perpetual hydration is crucial, particularly during those drying winter months and for individuals who have sensitive skin. This gentle recipe promises to keep your skin soft and supple!
You'll need:
- 1 cup milk
- 1 cup chamomile (dried)
- 4 tbsp. honey
- 8 tsp. wheat germ
Steep the chamomile in the milk for several hours (for optimum results, steep overnight). Strain and add honey and wheat germ to the chamomile milk mixture. Blend thoroughly and store in a bottle. This lotion will keep for one week. Store the bottle in the fridge.
At-Home Wrinkle Treatment Recipe
In the midst of complex Botox treatments, it's surprising to discover that a few basic grocery items could actually have the power to attack those fine lines and wrinkles.
You'll need:
- 1/2 cucumber (with skin)
- 1 egg white
- 2 tbsp. mayonnaise
- 1/2 cup olive oil
Blend the ingredients together to form a medium-weight cream. Massage it into the skin twice daily and tissue off or rinse with warm water.
Affordable Scrub Recipe

The real deal can run you upwards of $70, depending on the brand you favor. Whip up your own facial scrub at home for a truly delectable homemade treat.You'll need:
- 2 tsp. brown sugar
- 2 tbsp. aloe vera
- 2 tbsp. ground oats
- 1 tsp. lemon juice
Before you mix anything together, blend the ground oats into a fine powder. Then combine all ingredients to form a slightly granular paste. Massage it onto damp skin and rinse with warm water. Store the jar in the fridge.
Relaxing Bath Oil Recipe
A nice long soak in the tub can work wonders after a tiring day. Mix this blend into your bath for an even more relaxing experience.
You'll need:
- 1/4 cup sweet almond oil
- 5 drops chamomile essential oil
- 5 drops lavender essential oil
- 10 drops rose essential oil
Add the oils, drop by drop, to the sweet almond oil (which acts as a base). Shake the mixture and add 1 tbsp. to your bath.
More Easy Homemade Ideas
Of course, this is a mere taste of the numerous recipes available. With the right ingredients and tools, concocting these natural skin care recipes is a breeze! See DIY Network to keep your recipe book filled!