How to Get Free Hearing Aids for the Elderly

Updated April 14, 2021
Doctor applying hearing aid to senior woman's ear

Many hearing-impaired seniors living on a fixed income struggle to afford the high cost of hearing aids. Likewise, few health insurance policies pay for hearing aids and to the surprise of many, Medicare does not provide coverage for the devices or the exams required to fit them. Fortunately, some organizations and institutions provide free hearing aids and hearing aid discounts for seniors.

Resources for Free Hearing Aids for Elderly People

If you're willing to do a little legwork, there are many organizations that can help you or your loved one find free hearing aid programs.

Ask Your Audiologist

The best place to start looking for assistance is your audiologist. Ask if he or she knows of any local nonprofit organizations that help seniors suffering from hearing loss obtain hearing aids for low-income adults at no charge. Local nonprofits sometimes offer assistance in the form of grants based on individual needs - even when they don't offer a specific hearing aid program.

Hearing Loss Association of America

The Hearing Loss Association of America provides information about a number of financial aid assistance programs available to eligible individuals, including the elderly. Although the association does not supply individuals with hearing aids, it acts as a repository of up-to-date information about a number of financial aid options, including those for Veterans and others through Medicaid.

Lions Clubs International

Many local Lions Clubs participate in the Lions Affordable Hearing Aid Project (AHAP). Get a Lion's Club hearing aid application through your local Lions Club, which determines eligibility (based on income) and arranges testing by a hearing care professional. You can find your local Lions Club by using the Lions Clubs International locator. Alternatively, you can contact Lions AHAP at (630)-203-3837 or by e-mail.

Starkey Hearing Foundation

The Starkey Hearing Foundation has temporarily suspended their HEAR Now program due to COVID-19. The organization provides hearing aids for people with limited income under their HEAR Now program. You can contact through social media consultant or you can send an email. Once you've been in contact with a representative, you can download and fill out an application.

Miracle-Ear Foundation

The Miracle-Ear Foundation program helps give the gift of sound to eligible people with hearing loss. In order to qualify for the program, you must meet all eligibility requirements. After your application has been carefully reviewed on the basis of income, assets, and hearing loss, you may be eligible for their services. You can fill out the application and submit it to your local Miracle-Ear store.

Trial Programs

Contact hearing aid manufacturers and ask if there is a trial program, in which you can take part. They often seek individuals to help test their new hearing aid models while they are in development. Healthy Hearing has a list of major manufacturers of hearing aids that can be used to make that initial contact.

Hearing Aid Resources

You can also check into additional resources at the Hearing Aid Project. If you are not eligible for any of those programs, you may be able to qualify for hearing aid assistance through the National Hearing Aid Project.

Some Expert Tips for Finding Free or Affordable Hearing Aids

Michelle Katz, LPN, MSN, author of Healthcare Made Easy and Healthcare for Less offers some additional tips for those seeking assistance obtaining free hearing aids:

  • Make sure the physician or audiologist puts down the correct diagnosis. An incorrect or incomplete diagnosis can hold up or invalidate an application for financial aid.
  • While private insurers rarely provide coverage for hearing aids, three states, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Arkansas require insurers to provide coverage for adults. Be sure to check your private insurance for coverage - especially if you live in one of the three "mandate" states.
  • Some states include some coverage for hearing aids and related services, under their health insurance exchanges run under the Affordable Care Act.
  • In addition, double-check on the Department of Health and Human Services since the ACA will be going through more changes and free hearing aids may be included.
  • Organizations such as The National Institute on Deafness and the Better Hearing Institute are also helpful.

Hearing Aid Options

As noted, most insurance companies do not provide coverage for hearing aids; however, the resources listed here are a great place to start when researching affordable hearing aids and audiology care. It's also reassuring to know that there are many foundations, clubs, and associations that are willing to help those who are hearing impaired but can't afford hearing aids.

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How to Get Free Hearing Aids for the Elderly