Pills for Snoring

View products to stop snoring.

Pills for snoring are appealing options for many people who have the sleep related breathing disorder. A few resources are available for anyone interested in learning more about anti-snoring pills.

What Causes Snoring?

Products to stop snoring come in a number of different forms including mouthpieces and throat sprays. It may not be surprising for some that pills for snoring exist but we don't hear about them often. In order to understand how anti-snoring pills may work, it helps to know what causes the snoring sound to occur in the first place.

Why do people snore? A number of different elements can factor into the nighttime breathing problem and treatment should depend on the specific cause. Vibrations in the tissues of the mouth and throat can create disruptive sounds while a person is sleeping. The vibrations may occur due to:

  • Blocked nasal passages
    • Structural problems
    • Mucous
    • Allergies
    • Postnasal drip
  • Dry sinuses
  • Infections in the tonsils or adenoids
  • Enlarged tonsils or adenoids

People who snore because of allergies, postnasal drip, excess mucous or infections in the tonsils or adenoids may benefit from trying anti-snore pills as directed by a physician. However, people who snore because of a more serious sleep disorder such as sleep apnea should always consult their physician before taking any medication.

Pills for Snoring

The anti-snore pills are not prescription medication, but herbal remedies for snoring. A mixture of herbs and natural enzymes are supposed to help reduce the vibrations that cause the loud breathing sounds. Ideally, they create a smooth, open airway passage that allows air to move easily and without disruption.

How do the pills work? They are designed to break down excess mucous and other secretions that may interfere with breathing during sleep. In addition, the ingredients are supposed to reduce swelling that may occur in the nasal passages and in the throat. Without the presence of swelling and secretions, the airway is more likely to be free from obstruction and noisy vibrations.


The ingredients in the stop snoring pills include herbs and enzymes. The combination of natural ingredients is believed to reduce swelling while eliminating excess secretions, allowing the body to reabsorb the fluids naturally. Ingredients that may be used in anti-snoring pills include:

  • Hydrastis canadensis also known as goldenseal and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Ephedra vulgaris has been used to treat asthma. This ingredient is a stimulant and it is not appropriate for everyone.
  • Belladonna has mildly sedative qualities.
  • Teucrium marum may alleviate nasal congestion.
  • Kali bichromicum may help get rid of excess mucous and secretions.
  • Immature bitter orange is thought to be an antihistamine.
  • Co-Q10 may improve circulation.
  • Bromelain is an enzyme believed to have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Digestive enzymes
    • Amylase
    • Cellulase
    • Lipase
    • Protease

    Other ingredients may be present in some formulas. The herbal remedies for snoring may be beneficial for some patients; but, it is important to consider the ingredients carefully, including herbs like ephedra vulgaris. Some contain components that can be dangerous when taken in excess.

    Some companies have patented formulas, and the Food and Drug Administration regulate some of the products. Consumers may benefit from selecting products that are regulated when they present them to their doctors as a treatment for snoring. Avoid purchasing any products online that do not disclose the ingredients.

Should You Take Anti-Snoring Pills?

It is important to note that the pills are not prescription strength, but it is still necessary to discuss this option with your doctor. The pills are considered a homeopathic treatment for the nighttime breathing problem but they can have side effects. The products typically contain herbs and enzymes and although they are "natural" remedies for snoring, they should be taken with caution and with guidance from a physician.

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Pills for Snoring