The pencil test is one of several different old wives' tales that have been passed down from generation to generation, based on a supposed ability to accurately predict the gender of an unborn baby. Nobody appears to know why the test is supposed to work, although some women speculate it has to do with the different pulse rates associated with male and female fetuses.
How to Do the Baby Gender Pencil Test
The pencil test to determine baby gender is very easy to perform using items you probably already have in your home.
- Pencil
- Pencil sharpener
- Sewing needle
- Thread
- Sharpen the pencil to a fine point. This will make it easier for you to see how the tip is moving.
- Thread the needle, then stick the needle straight down into the pencil eraser. It does not matter how long the tread is; you only need enough thread to dangle the pencil over your wrist.
- Lay your hand down on a hard surface, away from any wind or breeze. Your palm should be facing upward.
- Holding the thread only, place the tip of the pencil on your wrist. Hold your hand very still. Lift up slowly, staying as still as possible. Wait until the pencil starts to move like a pendulum.
- Analyze the movement of the pencil to predict the gender of the baby. If the pencil moves up and down (over the length of your arm), the baby will be a boy. If the pencil moves from side to side (across your wrist), the baby will be a girl. It will start to create a small circle between each baby or hang straight. The pencil should stop on its own, so watch how many times it changes directions to predict how many children you will have.
Unique Gender Prediction
One of the most interesting aspects of the pencil test for baby gender is the range of predictions the test claims to be able to make. While most old wives' tales only claim to be able to predict the gender of a baby for a woman who is already pregnant, the baby gender pencil test supposedly predicts the birth history for a woman who has already had children. If you're curious, you may want to perform your own experiment by seeing how accurate the test is for your friends and family members who are done having children.
The Pencil Test as a Fun Predictor
The baby gender pencil test is also supposed to be able to predict the fertility of a woman who is not pregnant but wants to have children in the future. Some people claim the test will work on men as well, but you may have a bit more trouble convincing the men in your life to volunteer for such an experiment.