4 Key Wiccan Childbirth Rituals

Pregnant Wiccan mom sitting in the woods with a child

Wiccan childbirth rituals may help you conceive and deliver the child you've been waiting for.

What Is Wicca?

Wicca is a religion or belief system that dates back several centuries and is tied to Paganism. Although both are often associated with witchcraft, there is very little they have in relation to the stereotypical evil witch. Instead, practitioners focus on nature and their relationship with the heavens and earth.

Wiccans have several rituals for improving your chances of conceiving and maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Since most of these are safe practices, there really isn't any harm in trying them, even if you are not a Wiccan yourself.

Types of Wiccan Childbirth Rituals

Wiccans have rituals for most life events, and the childbirth process is no exception. One of the benefits of Wiccan rituals is that they are focused around stones, chants, and natural objects and do not typically involve anything that could harm your body. If you ever come across any kind of spell that recommends drinking or eating something unusual, don't do it unless your doctor has given you the okay.

Wiccan spells exist for every step of your journey to motherhood, including:

  • Fertility: Rose quartz is a popular stone for women to wear when they are trying to get pregnant. This pale stone can be worn as a bracelet or necklace pendant and is common enough to blend in with your everyday jewelry. Placing a clean piece of rose quartz in your drinking glass is also supposed to increase your chances of conceiving. In addition to wearing rose quartz, Wiccans also recommend using candles, oils, and incense to increase your fertility.
  • Pregnancy: Once you have conceived, Wiccans have special chants to prepare your child and ensure the continued health of the pregnancy. This preparing ritual includes flowers, colors, and stones, such as Tiger's Eye and peridot. An acting High Priest or Priestess then blesses the expectant couple and leads those present in prayers and hymns.
  • Wiccan Childbirth Rituals: Wiccans believe that a small group of semiprecious stones (amethyst, clear quartz crystal, chrysoprase, and aventurine) will help ease the pain of childbirth and delivery. Some holistic health or pagan shops may be able to order a charm or bracelet that incorporates these stones together. If you don't have enough time to custom order, you can always place the loose stones in a small, sealed pouch that can be held during delivery. Using a pouch like this can also serve as a focus object during childbirth, similar to the techniques used in Lamaze. Once the pouch is no longer needed, the stones should be passed along to someone else who is pregnant or trying to conceive.
  • Naming: Many Wiccan parents choose to have a special ceremony to mark the child's naming. This is usually held outdoors, weather permitting, about a week after the birth. In addition to officially giving the child his or her name, it's also an opportunity for the parents to officially pledge their love and loyalty to the child.

Will Fertility Rituals Work?

No fertility or childbirth ritual is going to work if you doubt its ability, so simply wearing a piece of rose quartz probably won't help you conceive unless you understand the reasons for its proclaimed power. But, following a meditation or burning certain candles also can't cause any harm, as long as the particular spell doesn't recommend ingesting anything or putting yourself in harm's way.

For more information about Wiccan childbirth rituals, visit MoreSpells and Pagan/Wiccan About.com.

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4 Key Wiccan Childbirth Rituals